Notes:Kaarst City Watch Reginald Kobolwitz incident report
Incident Report
Date of report:
3rd Thirkuoss
Kobolwitz Manor
Nature of crime:
Name: Ser Reginald Kobolwitz
Description: human man, late 50s, average height, blue eyes, short grey hair with moustache
Occupation: Retired, former explorer
Body was discovered on the morning of 3rd Thirkuoss by housekeeper Claira Hanali, who reported incident to the city watch. Hanali reports that she had entered the manor that morning to begin her work duties after having been away visiting family in Salzreich for three weeks. Hanali notes that Ser Kobolwitz refused to employ a temporary replacement while she was away, insisting that he would be able to manage in her absence.
Ser Kobolwitz’ body was found in the manor’s drawing room consistent with Hanali’s description. Body was lying on floor surrounded by a large pool of dried blood. Source of blood appears to be primarily from large neck wound, with additional wounds sustained to chest and stomach. All wounds seem to be consistent with teeth and claws of some kind of predatory animal.
The blood surrounding the body had dried completely, and condition of body, and the body was in an early state of decay, both suggesting Ser Kobolwtiz had been killed some days ago. Most of the blood found at the scene was confined to the area surrounding the body, suggesting that the attack had taken place in the room and the body had fallen close to where the attack took place. Blood was found on the body’s hands, suggesting Ser Kobolwitz had attempted to staunch his wounds before losing consciousness.
The surroundings of the drawing room showed signs of a brief struggle, with two chairs knocked over along with an upturned table with the broken remains of a bottle of wine and wine glasses nearby. Fireplace contained only a small amount of ashes, suggesting fire had been lit and had been left to burn itself out without additional fuel being added.
There were no signs of forced entry found anywhere on the manor premises during investigation, suggesting culprit was able to enter and exit freely. All outside doors and windows were locked. It is possible that culprit used magic to enter and/or escape.
Additionally, no evidence could be found of any theft from the premises – housekeeper assisted city watch in search of any missing property, but nothing was found to be unaccounted for.
There have been no recent reports of suspicious activity in the vicinity of Kobolwitz Manor.
Investigation ongoing.