Ùrlar Valley

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Ùrlar Valley is a location in the Fuarcrùn Freeholds where Anrel lost his entire platoon in approximately 1846.

They were sent to a village by the church of Kaarst to investigate reports by agents that a strange excavation site in the area may have been of interest to Verein Kirche von Arkhelle. None of the platoon sent, including Anrel, ever returned to Kaarst. Members of his platoon included Ingen Persson and Maghn Ünthergol.

With the church assuming that everyone who went had abandoned their posts, Kham Gohlrim repeatedly sent agents to recover the platoon, but they were either unable to locate Ùrlar Valley or themselves never returned. Eventually, in early 1853, Kham left his post in Kaarst and disappeared. Cardinal Maurul Silkendawn assumed he'd gone to find Anrel.

Paladin Anrel Salier

According to Anrel, his entire platoon went missing, and he believed them to be dead. However, he suffered the first of a number of blackouts and regained consciousness far away from either Kaarst or the Ùrlar Valley. He had dreams of killing his platoon.

Believing his platoon to be dead and himself to be responsible, he avoided going back to Kaarst. Seven years later, he claimed to Cardinal Silkendawn that he had spent the intervening years investigating the missing people, while to Elira Lein he claimed that he felt like he was a threat to everyone he knew, including her.

The only thing Anrel has said about the location itself is that he saw an orrery, much larger and grander than the one in the Spire of Divination. Other than that, he believes there is some kind of consciousness controlling what happens there, saying ‘Something is wrong with that place. There is a presence there. I don't know how to begin describing it.’

Cadet Ingen Persson

In 1853, Anrel woke up from a blackout in a cell in the Ratway in the sewers beneath Senneborn, from which he was rescued by the party in early Thirkuoss. As thanks for freeing him, and for helping him to enact revenge on Armine Detlef, who'd placed him there, he accompanied them to Droghen's keep and the island where gnolls were summoning demons.

In the caves beneath the island, he found the belongings of Ingen Persson—his satchel, journal and thieves' tools, as well as a Chime of Opening. He also took a tooth that belonged to the wolf demon that had been communicating with him telepathically.

On 18 Thelliea, Anrel woke up in the house of healing and spoke to Cardinal Silkendawn. He presented Silkendawn with Ingen's belongings and the tooth, which the Cardinal was not greatly impressed by. Nonetheless, he did admit that the nature of the journal was in keeping with Cadet Persson's personality. Anrel gave the tooth to Silkendawn.