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Leader of an organized crime network in Western Scharn (at least), with many goblin, hobgoblin and bugbear underlings, but also highly trusted human and half-elf members like Detlef and Vantan.

When the party infiltrates his keep, they are overwhelmed by his forces but are allowed to leave after hearing and accepting his proposal to them. In return for their lives, he gave them the option of locating and killing the gnoll Srir Silthallow, saying that she had arrived in his territory and made a deal with him. This deal involved Srir's gnoll pack being given a certain freedom as well as protection by Droghen's forces, and in return they would use their abilities to sink ships off the coast near Meeresdorf for Droghen's underlings to capture the shipwrecked crew and cargo.


Droghen understood that Srir's powers came from the worshipping and summoning of demons, and he wanted to have this power for himself. If the party killed Srir, it would leave Droghen free to acquire that power for himself. Since Anrel and Vichthart were entirely aware of the dangers of demons being brought to the material plane, the party agreed to Droghen's terms so they could eliminate the threat. Droghen told them that due to a separate arrangement he'd made, he was unable to tell the party how to locate Srir. Instead, he could only advise them to speak to Jenora Greenheart in Aleph Marsh.

As insurance, Droghen threatened to destroy Meeresdorf if they didn't uphold their end of the bargain, or if they told the people of Meeresdorf of the threat Droghen had made against them. While Anrel, Grokko and Vichthart made their way to Aleph Marsh, Kenneth stayed in Meeresdorf to protect the people there in case Droghen ever attacked.

So that Droghen's forces across Western Scharn wouldn't attack the party, he gave them a Symbol of Bane to present, which his underlings would be informed remotely meant they should cooperate with the party bearting it. He also tells the party that they are to refrain from killing any more goblins.

When the party kills Srir and Rrekkeh Stormcrawler flees, Szegha Silthallow reassures the party that Droghen will not be able to acquire their power to summon and control demons. The party takes her word for it and does not ever return to Droghen.